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Overcoming adversity in business
Mark Reinoso, Managing Partner / Owner, Desert State Fire, PM Contracting Team, Irvington House
You might think that there are too many barriers to being self employed. You might think its too hard to get a promotion. Perhaps you think that its because you don't look the part, are the wrong color...maybe you have emotional issues or have had a hard life. Maybe you are a single parent, and think you don't have the circumstances or time to reach out. MORE >
The problem is, everyone has issues. Everyone has limitations, everyone has a reason to quit. -
Busy? but not productive
Jeremy Macliver, Certified EOS Implementer, Guaranteed Traction
It is scary to think how many times I've gone home exhausted because I worked hard, but I wasn't sure what all I got done. Many business leaders and their team members are busy being busy. The intentions are good, the effort is real, but the results just don't add up. In this talk, we will share how we use a simple vision plan to slice through all of the chaos, determine what is important, and create actionable results. These skills work for the leaders and the team members that report to them. An aligned and focused organization increases momentum and reaps rewards that other teams only dream of. As Patrick Lenchioni says " If you could get all of the people in an organization rowing the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, at any time" Where do you want to take your team. Book this workshop to learn how to get your team rowing in sync toward the same goals! MORE >
Challenging Your Top Performers
Rachel Weiss, Founder, Executive Consultant, The Human Manager
Most managers focus on the lower performers when it comes to performance management, and they need a lot of coaching time and energy. The employees you want to retain, your top performers, often get lost in the mix since they're doing good work already. But if you're not challenging them, they may leave to go somewhere they will get professional development. This can also be an interactive workshop. MORE >
Building a Better Workers’ Compensation Program
Nancy Germond, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, President, True North Consultants, a Division of Insurance Writer, LLC
Employers of all sizes struggle to manage their workers' compensation program. This lively presentation will provide you with ten top tips to build a stellar workers' compensation program, reduce injuries and manage return-to-work and other employment challenges.
Motivation at Work
Juan Kingsbury, Talent Strategist, Career Blindspot
Why do most people go to work? Bills, family, responsibilities, etc.
Why do happy people go to work? Love what they do, who they work with, etc.
Why aren't more employees happy at work? If you're a leader looking to have more productivity or just want to help fellow employees manage their work expectations better, attend and learn about why we all do what we do, or don't. Our motivation. Hint: It's not a one size fits all. MORE > -
5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead
Debbie Correa, Senior Associate, GiANT WORLDWIDE
5 Voices is the code for unlocking your capacity to have honest conversations and build deeper, more authentic relationships with your teams, your families and your friends. In order to lead others effectively, we need a true understanding of ourselves, our natural tendencies and patterns of behavior. MORE >
In learning what your leadership voice sounds like to others, you will discover what it feels like to be on the other side of your personality, as well as how to hear and value others' voices, namely the Pioneer, the Connector, the Creative, the Guardian, and the Nurturer. Once you understand your own leadership voice, you'll discover how best to communicate with each of the other voices, which will transform your communication at every level of relationship, both personal and professional.In mastering the 5 Voices of leadership, you will increase your emotional intelligence, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage as a leader. You will also be equipped with a simple, easy to remember vocabulary that, when shared, has a track record for decreasing the drama, misunderstanding and miscommunication in all spheres of influence.
An Employee Handbook: Do We Really Need One?
Lorie A. Birk, Esq, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Principal Consultant, HR Law Works, LLC
Many organizations struggle with keeping employee handbooks up to date and wonder at times do they really need one. During this session, we will discuss the pro’s and con’s of having an employee handbook. In addition, we will go over what policies every organization should have. Finally, we will go over some traps for the unwary. Participants will leave with best practices they can implement in their organizations. MORE >
The Four Decisions Companies Must Get Right to Scale Up
Corwin Smith, Entrepreneur / Scaling Up Coach, Transcend Growth Parnters
Learn the four decisions companies must get right - People, Strategy, Execution & Cash. CEO's and business leaders will walk away with tools for strategic planning along with making sure that they Scale Up effectively.
People - Getting the right people in the right seats doing the right things MORE >
Strategy - A truly differentiated strategy that is simple.Execution - Processes running flawlessly and without drama
Cash - Cash is like oxygen for a growth company, run out and risk death!
How to Use Your Intuition to Make Decisions in Business and Life
Saloua Ibaline, Business Coach, S.M.A.R.T. Women Inc.
Too many of use rely on external factors to make inner decisions. The truth is, some of it can help you but it all comes down to your own intuition. Your inner circle will advise you based on what they think is good for you based on their opinions. Some are genuine advice but you should take it with a grain of salt because listening to your gut is the only way to know the answer. In this talk we will discuss what is intuition, how to uncover it, how to differentiate it with the ego-negative self talk and few practical actions step you can do today to be more in tune with yourself. MORE >
From Functional to Fabulous
Angela Sticca Snyder, Founder & CEO, Taxanista
How systems & procedures streamline & propel your business with the ability to handle twice the volume. Position yourself for the next level of growth with the infrastructure to support you.