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  • Overview of Benefits for Long Term Care

    Marsha Goodman, Attorney, Specific Law Firm

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    A discussion of Medicare and what it does....and does not....cover. Medicaid Long Term Care benefits - you may not need to impoverish yourself. VA Aid and Attendance Benefits for veterans and surviving spouses.

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  • Mindful Productivity: Harnessing Presence for Peak Performance

    Frankie Kounouho, Master Certified Mindset Coach, Mindful Balance Transformational Coaching

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    In a world of constant distractions and relentless demands on our attention, the pursuit of productivity often feels like an uphill battle. However, amidst the chaos, there exists a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way we work and live: mindfulness. MORE >

    In this enlightening speech, Mindset Coach Frankie will explore the transformative potential of mindfulness in enhancing productivity and effectiveness. By cultivating a deep sense of intentionality and alignment with our values, we learn to work smarter, not harder, maximizing our productivity while minimizing stress and burnout. This engaging presentation is a call to action for anyone seeking to cultivate a more balanced, fulfilling, and productive life—one rooted in presence, purpose, and profound self-awareness.
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  • Maximizing your Social Security Options

    Vincent Esparza, Managing Director, Esparza Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    - How new laws changed Social Security filing strategies
    - Strategies to maximize and integrate Social Security with your retirement

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  • Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win

    Edward Givens, Insurance Agent, HealthMarkets

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    The healthcare system in America is a confusing process to navigate. This session will help you better understand how the system works. You will walk away with key strategies that will help you get the most out of your healthcare dollars. We will also discuss strategies and resources that will help you negotiate effectively with the health care providers if you feel you are being charged too much for the care you received. MORE >

    This session is a short course on the strategies described in the best-selling book by Marshall Allen "Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win"
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  • From Functional to Fabulous

    Angela Sticca Snyder, Founder & CEO, Taxanista

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    How systems & procedures streamline & propel your business with the ability to handle twice the volume. Position yourself for the next level of growth with the infrastructure to support you.

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  • How to Claim Social Security for Maximum Benefit and Litetime Income

    Jeff Young, Senior Wealth Manager, Kierland Financial Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    Around 45% of Americans take their Social Security benefits at the earliest possible time, usually around their 62nd birthday. For a great majority of these people, that is both a grievous and irreversible decision that has long-term deleterious effects. MORE >

    Jeff Young has spend a decade teaching people about the most efficient manner to take these distributions and for a couple, the difference in doing it right and doing it wrong can mean tens of thousands of dollars. Jeff explains how people can benefit from understanding the various strategies available to them and exactly how to employ them. This is an eye-opening session and one you will want to hear prior to making those significant decisions about Social Security.
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  • The Future of Health Insurance & Medicare

    Justin Bro, President, Retirement Insurance Specialists

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    10,000 people each day will be enrolling in Medicare over the next 15 years. It is a trend known as the "Silver Tsunami" and it will have a significant impact on US economy and the health insurance industry. This educational presentation gives an overview of the current health insurance and Medicare marketplace and offers insights into some of the potential changes that may be coming. MORE >

    This is a great presentation for any groups with members at or near retirement age as it will give them the information they need to protect themselves against one of the largest and most unpredictable expense they may encounter in retirement.
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  • What’s Your Bike?

    Dave Cooke, CEO and Board Chair, 100Pedals, Inc.

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    “What’s your bike” introduces audiences to the struggles of addiction in the family, while lending credibility with those on their similar paths. Dave takes his audiences on a profound, personal journey where they transition from a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness to a place of empowerment and possibility, as they confidently begin the search for their path through the adversities which are dragging them down. MORE >

    As the audience discovers the possibilities for change in the face of chaos, Dave moves them from a place of fear and worry to one of hope and opportunity while helping them recognize the impact of both on their lives and their outcomes.

    After learning his youngest child was addicted to heroin, Dave Cooke spent the next eighteen months on a relentless quest to save him. This determined commitment took him through all the experiences a parent goes through – deception, theft, overdoses, multiple arrests, jail, homelessness and untold sleepless nights. With every painful experience guilt and failure took another piece out of his spirit to the point where he felt as though everything was lost. His business nearly collapsed, his health was suffering, and his relationships were falling apart. Dave was broken in every way imaginable.

    Late one night, in a desperate plea for relief, Dave took on a personal challenge to ride his bike for one hour a day, for one hundred consecutive days. It was an activity which completely changed his life. Dave’s inspiring story provides powerful insights into the experiences of being a parent of an addicted child, while offering an incredibly inspiring message for parents struggling to find their way through life’s adversities such as the chaos of their child’s addiction.

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  • Journeys to Authorship

    Howard Gershkowitz, Author

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    Fourteen authors came together to share their stories of becoming published authors. In the recently released, #1 best seller on Amazon, 'Journeys to Authorship,' we tell all! Now, we are taking our experiences on the road: through panel discussions, we share our individual roadmaps from 'writer wannabe' to published author in an interactive way, providing insights and valuable tips. Depending on your needs, two, three, or four of us will come visit and share our successes and obstacles, heartache and triumphs, tears and laughter. MORE >

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  • Princples of Prosperity

    Jim Wilkerson, Founder, The Winners Mindset

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    I teach a comprenehsnive course focusing on the material developed by Napoleon Hill in his book
    "Think and Grow Rich" known all over the world. MORE >

    This book has been the cornerstone philosophy for hundreds of thousands of some of the most successful people in over the world like Bob Proctor famous for his role in the movie "The Secret" and many other famous leaders like Tony Robbins, Sharon Lechter, Jack Canfield, Barbara Corchoran, Alex Hormuzi, Les Brown and dozens of other well known leaders in the personal development field.

    I have been trained and certified by the Napoleon Hill foundation as a trained instructor to teach the 17 principles of success in detail and am prepared to deliver the information so that anyone can understand and utilize the ideas presented.

    Included are workbooks, white papers and proprietary videos of Bob Proctor speaking on each chapter of the book. In addition, every participant will receive a link to watch the highly acclaimed, newly released movie, " Think and Grow Rich-Living the Legacy"

    This can be delivered to your group or organization either in person or online in a condensed 45 minute presentation or delivered bi-weekly for six months.

    I look forward to speaking to your group and guarantee that your group will not be disappointed!!

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