Free Educational Topics in Phoenix

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  • The Legend of Tessie Agana: Beloved Child Star of the Philippines

    Mylene Richardson, Author, The Legend of Tessie Agana: Beloved Child Star of the Philippines

    Mylene connects with her mom, Tessie Agana, a famous child actress from the Philippines, who today lives in Cave Creek with dementia. Mylene listens to her mother’s stories of yesteryear, and their candid discussions break barriers between mother and daughter. MORE >

    Tessie Agana was affectionately deemed “The Nation’s Little Sweetheart” and known as the “Shirley Temple of the Philippines.” With unsparing truth, Mylene offers the first intimate portrait of her mother, whose early fame and exposure to the public eye led to dark shadows that impacted her entire life.
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  • Veteran Resources

    Jaime Martinez, Executive Director, Mesa Veterans Resource Center

    How to get struggling veterans to the help they need so that they can assimilate to civilian society. Jaime takes the audience through his real world experience, struggles, and ultimate success as a road map.

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  • Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial & the History of the Scottsdale Airport

    Gunnar Buzzard, Exec. Vice President, Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial

    Thunderbird Field II was built in 1942 for the sole purpose of training WWII Army Air Corp pilots. Over 5,500 pilots were trained at Thunderbird Field II between 1942 and October 16, 1944, when the school was deactivated. Many of these young aviators saw military action in Europe and the Pacific. Learn about the history of the 3 Thunderbird Fields, current Scottsdale airport operations, and the Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial. MORE >

    The Thunderbird Field II Plaza at the entrance to the new Scottsdale Airport terminal, business center and restaurant will include a monument with information on Thunderbird Field II and its military history. The Plaza’s centerpiece will be a Stearman PT-17, the aircraft used for training at Thunderbird Field II. The service plaques for all of our armed services as well as the revered POW-MIA plaque will be on permanent display.
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  • Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial and the Revered Military History of the Scottsdale Airport

    Steve Ziomek, Chariman, Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial

    Thunderbird Field II was built in 1942 for the sole purpose of training WWII Army Air Corp pilots. Over 5,500 pilots were trained at Thunderbird Field II between 1942 and October 16, 1944, when the school was deactivated. Many of these young aviators saw military action in Europe and the Pacific. MORE >

    The Thunderbird Field II Plaza at the entrance to the Scottsdale Airport business center and restaurant includes a monument with information on Thunderbird Field II and its military history. The Plaza’s centerpiece is a Stearman PT-17, the aircraft used for training at Thunderbird Field II in the 1940s. The service plaques for all of our armed services as well as the revered POW-MIA plaque is on permanent display.

    The mission of the Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial organization is to commemorate the rich history of the Scottsdale airport, honor all veterans; provide scholarships to Arizona students interested in aviation careers and support Dogs4Vets, a non-profit dedicated to enabling disabled Veterans to live a more productive life through the use of service dogs

    Learn about the revered military history of the Scottsdale airport, todays operations and the Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial and its mission.

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  • “It’s Kubotan Time!”

    Jui L. Chiu, Self-Defense Instructor, Kubotan Time

    The Kubotan Time offer free self-defense classes for anyone 8 years or older. Learn how to fight off an attacker with a Kubotan and everyday objects, like a sharpie or marker. The purpose of the self-defense class is to teach our community how to be more aware of their surroundings and gain self-confidence. Anyone can learn these life-saving defense skills! Take control and escape a threat. It could save your life. MORE >

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  • 3 Phases of MLK

    John Prothro, Educator, Chandler Unified School District

    In this lively, energy filled presentation, listeners will understand how the adaptable Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. navigated his way through the Civil Rights Era (1954 - 1968). We will examine Dr. King as a reformer, a redeemer and ultimately as a revolutionary. Listeners’ knowledge will be enhanced and increased through little known facts about Dr. King and becoming cognizant of how his role changed throughout this eclectic time period.
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  • The Civil Rights Era: Chronicled!

    John Prothro, Educator, Chandler Unified School District

    Before Mrs. Rosa Parks' Montgomery, Alabama arrest, lynchings, assassinations and legislative tactics set the scene for America's Civil Rights Era. Why were 4 Mississippi murders by known assailants that occurred the same year her arrest not well known? A 1957 Constitutional Crisis rocked the nation centering around the school segregation issue. Sit-ins, demonstrations, marches and sacrifices created headlines that have left indelible marks on American History. This talk chronicles the major events of the Civil Rights Era (1954 - 1968). MORE >

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  • Team Building

    Debbie Moore, Teacher, Mountain Ridge High School

    Workshop Learning Objectives: Characteristics of effective teams • Four stages of team development • How individual differences and roles contribute to building a strong team Have practiced skills in: • Supporting team development through its formative stages • Constructive communication • Conflict resolution And will have discussed: • A vision of their ideal team • Principles and behaviors to guide team performance • A plan for monitoring progress toward achieving their vision
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  • Project Based Learning in Schools

    Debbie Moore, Teacher, Mountain Ridge High School

    Learn how to design, assess, and manage a rigorous, relevant, standards- focused project. The workshop models the project process. The workshop is a balanced blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration. Participants have substantial time to plan their own project, and receive formative feedback from peers and the facilitator. MORE >

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  • Journeys to Authorship

    Howard Gershkowitz, Author

    Fourteen authors came together to share their stories of becoming published authors. In the recently released, #1 best seller on Amazon, 'Journeys to Authorship,' we tell all! Now, we are taking our experiences on the road: through panel discussions, we share our individual roadmaps from 'writer wannabe' to published author in an interactive way, providing insights and valuable tips. Depending on your needs, two, three, or four of us will come visit and share our successes and obstacles, heartache and triumphs, tears and laughter. MORE >

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