Free Self Improvement Topics in Phoenix
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How to Get the Joy Back
Dale Marcotte, Certified Relationship Coach
Presents a foundation for reclaiming the dreams, the desires, the hopes and the comfort of relationship using two simple, easy to use techniques. Audience materials are included to encourage the involvement that creates change.
The Subtle Art of Effective Listening
Jeff Young, Senior Wealth Manager, Kierland Financial Group
Of all the communication skills, that of listening is the most misunderstood, the least employed and yet the most important of effective interaction between human beings. Whether you are in sales or management, your ability to be a good listener is crucial to your success in your professional endeavors. MORE >
As a successful investor for his clients, Jeff has spent a career understanding what it is people want and need from their lifetime of efforts. And to do that, he had to become an effective and efficient listener. In this session, Jeff will share with you how to set the stage, how to be an "active" listener and what listening techniques can propel you to the next level of your personal success ladder. -
7 ways to improve your life, RIGHT NOW
Mark Reinoso, Managing Partner / Owner, Desert State Fire, PM Contracting Team, Irvington House
How many times have you felt that you just wanted to get away from it all? Quit your job, quit your life, and move to the beach? Move to Italy? We see it regularly on social media.... MORE >
The frustrations and the monotony of life in this system create a longing for a more meaningful existence....a more connected, important, purposeful existence. I think that describes the human condition in many ways, its why humans have always conquered, migrated....manifest destiny!Do you feel stuck in a mediocre life? Do you feel like all you do is commute to work and do things you have to do, just to keep the lights on? The good news is that you can gain meaning, or more meaning in your life with just a few simple, but deliberate actions. You dont have to chuck it all and buy a villa in Italy....
Dale Marcotte, Certified Relationship Coach
Learn how to thrive single, find your stride in growth and learn to love on your way to love. We cancel the effects of our mistakes as soon as we understand them; leaving time and energy to live in love. That time and energy is closer than you know.
Stress Mastery: From Feeling Stuck to Feeling Free
Sara Regester RN, BSN, NBC-HWC, Stress Mastery Expert, NBC-HWC, Directions 4 Wellness, LLC
This interactive talk is offered in a workshop format where the participants learn specific strategies for presence, mindfulness and stress resilience so they can get out of resistance of that push-pull energy that keeps them stuck, distracted, procrastinating and uninspired and create the life that they desire. MORE >
This program teaches how to create more confidence and courage to step into new opportunities for career, relationships and health in alignment with your authentic gifts and purpose so you can feel more energized, more focused and more fulfilled in your life.- Tips on how stay on your edge to create a successful life without wiping yourself out
- Change how you think about stress and leverage it as an opportunity to learn and grow
- Learn how you can meet stress with confidence and courage to respond to challenges successfully
- Strategies to overturn your negative inner dialogue so you can turn up the volume to hear your wise intuitive voice
- Be more present, mindful and neutral so you can creatively respond to your stress and stay out of emotional reactivity and energy loss
- Be an Stress Responder and not a Stress Reactor
- The secret to prioritizing competing priorities in a 24-hour day -
Peak Performance Through Flow
Jason Parent, Facilitator, Breath.Energy
Great athletes know they need to be loose to play their best. Performance in the business world is the same. Removing stress and getting into a flow state allows everyone to perform better. This presentation creates flow states on demand.
Finding Clarity in the Darkness
Michael Pelaez, Owner, Mastery of Self
When we are at our happiest we neglect to fully grasp the vastness of our abundance. That is because most often than not, our happiness comes when we are focused on specific life events - a stable job, home life, and health. We are happiest when those things are in line. When we lose one or all of this our stress, anxiety, and worry kicks up to high gear and it gives way to depression and fear - fear of our future. It does not have to be this way. Loss does not have to cripple us. MORE >
Being in a "dark" place in our lives does not have become a daunting experience where we lose sight of our blessings. In fact this is the time were we ought to see with the most clarity! I can teach you how. Through my techniques of mindset reframing, Spatial Visualization Technique, and using my Triangle of Healing method, you can gain peace of mind and get back on track to the life you desire. -
Princples of Prosperity
Jim Wilkerson, Founder, The Winners Mindset
I teach a comprenehsnive course focusing on the material developed by Napoleon Hill in his book
"Think and Grow Rich" known all over the world. MORE >This book has been the cornerstone philosophy for hundreds of thousands of some of the most successful people in over the world like Bob Proctor famous for his role in the movie "The Secret" and many other famous leaders like Tony Robbins, Sharon Lechter, Jack Canfield, Barbara Corchoran, Alex Hormuzi, Les Brown and dozens of other well known leaders in the personal development field.I have been trained and certified by the Napoleon Hill foundation as a trained instructor to teach the 17 principles of success in detail and am prepared to deliver the information so that anyone can understand and utilize the ideas presented.
Included are workbooks, white papers and proprietary videos of Bob Proctor speaking on each chapter of the book. In addition, every participant will receive a link to watch the highly acclaimed, newly released movie, " Think and Grow Rich-Living the Legacy"
This can be delivered to your group or organization either in person or online in a condensed 45 minute presentation or delivered bi-weekly for six months.
I look forward to speaking to your group and guarantee that your group will not be disappointed!!
How to Quit a Job You Hate to Create a Business You Love
Saloua Ibaline, Business Coach, S.M.A.R.T. Women Inc.
Are you stuck in a soul sucking job and dream of creating your own business? Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset and feel suffocated at work? Do you feel like you have a bigger mission and purpose than working for someone else's dream? Then this talk is for you. MORE >
Too many of us are afraid of getting out of our comfort zone and taking leap of faith and rather stay in a job they hate for the meaningless, steady pay check. In this talk we will uncover:How to transition from your job to your own business, How can you position yourself to gain clients/customers, How can you use Social media & online marketing to grow and brand yourself. We will end with Q&A and practical tools you can start today to create the future vision of your business.
Life is too long to say stuck doing something you hate.
Creativity Through Connection
Jason Parent, Facilitator, Breath.Energy
Creativity comes from synthesizing multiple elements from different sources to form a new coherent reality. This presentation allows the mind to relax and access every piece of data available to it to bring something new into the world.