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Project Based Learning in Schools
Debbie Moore, Teacher, Mountain Ridge High School
Learn how to design, assess, and manage a rigorous, relevant, standards- focused project. The workshop models the project process. The workshop is a balanced blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration. Participants have substantial time to plan their own project, and receive formative feedback from peers and the facilitator. MORE >
Overcoming adversity in business
Mark Reinoso, Managing Partner / Owner, Desert State Fire, PM Contracting Team, Irvington House
You might think that there are too many barriers to being self employed. You might think its too hard to get a promotion. Perhaps you think that its because you don't look the part, are the wrong color...maybe you have emotional issues or have had a hard life. Maybe you are a single parent, and think you don't have the circumstances or time to reach out. MORE >
The problem is, everyone has issues. Everyone has limitations, everyone has a reason to quit. -
Lift the Lid: How to Get Past What’s Holding You and Your Team Back
Joel Shuflin: Maxwell Leadership, Maxwell Leadership Performance Coach, Maxwell Leadership
Have you ever felt stuck or like your slogging through mud? Everyone encounters friction as we try to succeed – and sometimes we can’t readily identify what is slowing us down or slamming us to a halt. Joel helps your audience identify The Lid – the things that hold us back from our best version of ourselves, and then guides the audience in discovering how to lift that lid and uncap our true potential. MORE >
By learning the habits needed to lift the lid, your members will realize greater success and satisfaction in every area of life. Available in 20, 45 and 60 minute formats. -
Language, Sex and Power: Effective Communication Techniques for Women
Cyd West, Executive Director, World Academy for the Future of Women
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
Cyd West, a specialist in linguistics, presents ways to enhance your communication skills that are pertinent to every woman who lives and/or works with men. She covers: MORE >
• who gets heard and why.
• how men and women communicate and interpret each other.
• potential language pitfalls which commonly occur in the workplace.
• how these differences affect women in the workplace and in positions of authority.
• what we as women can do to improve our communication effectiveness with men and in the workplace.As young girls we are taught to be considerate, to save face for others, to apologize, and exercise modesty. This training often runs counter to the communication skills that are expected and rewarded in the workplace. If you know women who have waited for someone to notice they’ve done a good job or whose deferential nature has kept them from advancement, you have witnessed this dichotomy in action.
Linguistic research has unveiled a wealth of information for women working with men. Deborah Tannen, Robin Lakoff and other linguists have studied how language patterns are formed at a very young age and how they grow to differ for the sexes. These differences, hierarchical communication for men and relational communication for women, are the basis for much of the misunderstandings and lack of value of women’s contributions in the workplace. Understanding these potential pitfalls and leveraging our strengths as women in relational communication techniques can ensure our visibility, power and effectiveness in the workplace.
• Help women and men understand the beneficial dynamics of utilizing the full spectrum of communication skills and attributes;
• Enable women to succeed in traditionally male oriented workplaces and be perceived as strong and effective in their leadership roles.
• Provide an understanding of communication pitfalls and opportunities by both sexes that can lead to effective leadership for both men and women. -
The D-I-M-E-S Theory or “How to Get What You Really Want”
Wes Waddle, President, Arizona Seminars, L.L.C.
TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement
The elements to a successful or happy life are simple. Your life can start to change today. Do you know what you want? Start with the end in mind. You can start today by reallocating as little as twenty-five cents. A wise person once said, "One day will change your life and one day your life will change." The questions is... Is today YOUR day?
MORE > -
Busy? but not productive
Jeremy Macliver, Certified EOS Implementer, Guaranteed Traction
It is scary to think how many times I've gone home exhausted because I worked hard, but I wasn't sure what all I got done. Many business leaders and their team members are busy being busy. The intentions are good, the effort is real, but the results just don't add up. In this talk, we will share how we use a simple vision plan to slice through all of the chaos, determine what is important, and create actionable results. These skills work for the leaders and the team members that report to them. An aligned and focused organization increases momentum and reaps rewards that other teams only dream of. As Patrick Lenchioni says " If you could get all of the people in an organization rowing the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, at any time" Where do you want to take your team. Book this workshop to learn how to get your team rowing in sync toward the same goals! MORE >
Grace in Gravity: Cultivating Trust in Uncertain Times
Cyd West, Executive Director, World Academy for the Future of Women
Cyd West, a specialist in business and linguistics, presents ways to enhance our communication skills that are pertinent to every leader whose workforce feels affected by recent events and headlines.
Today’s headlines: MORE >
• Layoffs have decimated Cotech. Many of the remaining workers are immobilized by fear of losing their jobs through more layoffs or even company closure. John Powers, the CEO, thinks the situation can be turned around but he cannot make it with the current levels of productivity.• Employees of Medico have accepted a 1% cost of living increase in lieu of performance increases (usually between 4-6%) in order to protect their jobs during a downturn in the market. They soon find out the CEO of Medico was awarded a $6 million dollar bonus from the Board of Directors.
These events occur every day and are highly publicized. They affect the culture in companies across the world. Uncertainty is airborne and contagious in the workplace. The costs of high turnover and productivity loss from poor morale are mounting.
Cyd covers:
• the “controllable” causes of uncertainty.
• what employees want from their leaders during difficult times.
• how a leader’s communication and behavior affect employee’s anxiety levels.
• methods to solicit feedback and evaluate how our communication is perceived.Awareness of how our words and actions are interpreted during stressful times allows us to manage perceptions of our own reputation as well as the commitment of an organization to it’s workers, customers and partners. Opportunities abound to enhance these relationships through a realistic self-assessment and strategic communication.
Recent research has unveiled a wealth of information for leaders who seek to motivate and inspire. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation to the bottom line. The common denominator in these findings is authentic and honest communication from successful leaders – as well as adopting the behaviors to support their messages.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Tools to Help Kids
Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Doctor of Chiropractic, Create Health PLLC
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
The rate of autism spectrum disorder is growing at an alarming rate. It was 1 in 10,000 in the 1950s and is now greater than 1 in 50. What is causing this surge in cases? Is it simply better diagnosis or is there more at play? What works to actually support these kids in getting better? In this 30-45 minute talk Dr. Ben shares his stories of working with kids with autism along with practical tools parents can implement immediately to see shifts in their kids function and behavior. MORE >
Courageous Conversations: Salary Negotiations
Nichelle Robinson, Owner & Founder, Nichelle Robinson Consulting
Salary negotiations can be intimidating, but it’s a critical discussion to have. For a new employee, successfully negotiating a salary can set a positive precedent for your career. Learn negotiation skills that will result to more confidence, satisfied results and a win-win for all.
Passion + Purpose = Profit
Susan F. Moody & Leeanne Gardner, Co-Founders, StarshineAZ
Wouldn’t it be great if you could tap into what you really love and figure out what to do with that passion that would actually make you some money? Many of us, especially women, start our businesses as passion projects and end up creating a hobby and not a viable, sustainable business. MORE >
“Do what you love and the money will follow” is great in theory, but during this interactive talk participants will come away knowing the missing link between love and money and their next best step to creating a profit from their passion.