Free Financial Topics in Phoenix

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  • Women & Money: Six Steps to Financial Security

    Katrina C. Lessard, CFP®, AEP®, Founder & CEO , Lessard Wealth Management

    Today, more women than ever are responsible for their financial well-being, and the well-being of their families. But women often face unique financial challenges. That's why it's so important that no matter what life stage they're in, women know how to save, invest, and plan for their future. MORE >

    In this seminar on Women and Money, you'll learn:
    * The unique financial challenges women face, such as longer life expectancies and more career breaks for caregiving, and how they impact long-term financial security
    * Six steps women can take to help them achieve financial security, including taking control of their money, becoming more knowledgeable investors, advocating for themselves in the workplace, planning for retirement, protecting their income and assets, and creating an estate plan

    You'll also receive a free electronic workbook created just for this presentation. The workbook contains key information, worksheets, and questions to help you remember important points from the seminar.

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  • The Trump Tax Code and your IRAS

    Vincent Esparza, Managing Director, Esparza Group

    How can the new tax code help? Tax brackets for single, and tax brackets for married filing jointly. Why convert from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA? How Medicare affects your tax situation? Understanding the difference between investing during retirement and investing for retirement. Tips on what a balanced portfolio looks like. MORE >

    What alternatives for investing that you may have, i.e. Real estate, commodities, life insurance, fixed annuities, etc. Recap -IRA's often create tax problems during retirement, the new tax code offers a widow of opportunity, and many investors are unknowingly taking on more risk than they should!
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  • Slaying the Debt Dragon – Financial Planning for the New Graduate

    Jeff Young, Senior Wealth Manager, Kierland Financial Group

    You've just graduated and are ready to enter your chosen field. But you also have student loans that have to be repaid. Debt can be an emotionally draining burden to carry, but it doesn't have to be. With a solid plan and a vigorous dedication to eliminating debt, there are steps one can take to accomplish the task of becoming debt free and to begin to create a solid financial foundation. MORE >

    Jeff contends that whether you are building wealth or becoming debt-free to do so, the key is creating a flexible and accountable plan to guide your through that journey. In this session, he will teach you how to take stock of your situation, eliminate barriers to success, write a plan of success, understand your options, employ others in your quest and the value of sacrifice and self-denial to earn your success.
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  • The True Cost of College and How to Make College More Affordable

    Monica Felton, MBA, CFP, President, The Elliott Group

    It’s never too early to start thinking about college financial planning. As our kids go back to school, they are one step closer to this exciting and very expensive event! Whether you’re kids are a year away from college or 17, the time is now to understanding the true cost of college and how to make college more affordable. MORE >

    Monica Felton MBA, CFP is the college financial planning expert and has been coaching families for 15 years on how to save and pay for college and not sacrifice their retirement.

    She helps parents understand the expense of college. Today a four-year, in state, public University expense is $135,000. The total cost to a parent can be upwards of $500,000. Helping parents understand that college is really a retirement problem is paramount to financial success.

    By using an alternative strategy,the Wealth Builder Strategy, to save and pay this enormous expense, families will have significantly more wealth and benefits in their retirement. You can pay for college while contributing to your financial future.

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  • Using Home Equity for a Better (and Smarter) Retirement – Reverse Mortgages

    Bill Cave, Reverse Mortgage Advisor, Mutual of Omaha - Reverse Mortgage

    This is an A-to-Z informational class covering the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (FHA - HECM) in an educational, straight-forward manner. Bill covers recent changes in the program that helped make the reverse mortgage loan program a smart and safe option for retiree's and seniors. This seminar also provides a road map on how to navigate the process and make good decisions based on individual goals such as: increasing cashflow, preserving net worth and assets, advanced tax planning and long-term care strategies, as it relates to home equity. MORE >

    This is NOT a pressure sales or marketing seminar.
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  • Estate Planning Basics: Have You Created an Estate Plan For Your Family?

    Katrina C. Lessard, CFP®, AEP®, Founder & CEO , Lessard Wealth Management

    An estate plan is a map of how you want your personal and financial affairs to be handled in the future. An effective estate plan can help ensure that your family's financial needs will be taken care of, and that your personal wishes will be carried out in the manner you intended. It's a critical part of your overall financial plan. MORE >

    In this seminar on Estate Planning Basics, you'll learn:
    * Why you need an estate plan
    * Strategies to plan for incapacity, including special health care directives
    * Wills, trusts, and life insurance
    * Key tax basics, including an overview of the federal gift tax, estate tax, and generation-skipping transfer tax

    You will also receive a free electronic workbook created just for this presentation. The workbook contains key information, worksheets, and questions to help you remember important points from the seminar.

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  • All the benefits of holding physical Gold and Silver in today’s market

    Stephen Pugsley Sr., Founder, Pugsley and Sons

    Gold and Silver Bullion is the oldest appreciating asset known to mankind and yet very few know ALL of the benefits of holding and acquiring physical Gold and Silver. With this expert presentation, learn all of the benefits that "Smart Money" has known throughout history and why Gold and Silver are more relevant today then ever before. MORE >

    In depth explanation of Gold and Silver's best kept secrets:

    Zero Counter Party Risk, Best Hedge Against Inflation, Instant Liquidity, Portfolio Stabilization, Future Market Supply and Demand - National and Global, Legacy Transfer, What Type of Gold and Silver to Hold and How to Acquire these precious metals.

    The presentations primary goal is to inform and answer all questions pertaining to Gold and Silver.

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  • How to Claim Social Security for Maximum Benefit and Litetime Income

    Jeff Young, Senior Wealth Manager, Kierland Financial Group

    Around 45% of Americans take their Social Security benefits at the earliest possible time, usually around their 62nd birthday. For a great majority of these people, that is both a grievous and irreversible decision that has long-term deleterious effects. MORE >

    Jeff Young has spend a decade teaching people about the most efficient manner to take these distributions and for a couple, the difference in doing it right and doing it wrong can mean tens of thousands of dollars. Jeff explains how people can benefit from understanding the various strategies available to them and exactly how to employ them. This is an eye-opening session and one you will want to hear prior to making those significant decisions about Social Security.
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  • Understanding the Fundamentals of Investing – A Primer for Young People

    Jeff Young, Senior Wealth Manager, Kierland Financial Group

    Of all the subjects to which one is exposed in the formative years of institutionalized education, perhaps none are more significant and yet more ignored than that of personal finance. While virtually every student will one day be responsible to some degree with the efficient handling of money for a family or most certainly, him or herself, it is one area of life that for many, they will be left to fend for themselves. MORE >

    In this 60-90 minute session, Jeff will introduce you to the fundamentals of investing. While these fundamentals are certainly only a small part of the much greater topic of personal finance, it is imperative that potential young investors be familiar with the foundation upon which they will eventually build their wealth over their lifetimes.

    Topics covered will be: Speculating is not Investing; Four Things You Can Do With Money; Own or Loan?; the Damning of Debt; Pay Yourself First; Clarifying Risk; Ten Great Mistakes Young People Make in Investing; Patience and Discipline, the Investor's Allies; The Eggs in the Basket Thing and much more.

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  • Retirement Income – 5 Action Items to Chart Your Course

    Katrina C. Lessard, CFP®, AEP®, Founder & CEO , Lessard Wealth Management

    You’ve spent a lifetime accumulating money for your retirement. You’ve saved, invested, and taken advantage of workplace retirement plans. Now you have to make decisions about how to generate a steady income stream, and these decisions could have lasting repercussions. MORE >

    Join us for an educational workshop where we’ll focus on strategies designed to help you:

    • Make the most of your retirement income streams
    • Tap into your retirement accumulations
    • Understand retirement plan distribution rules
    • Invest for stability, income, and growth potential
    • Utilize financial vehicles that could last a lifetime
    • Protect your income and assets from the unexpected
    • Prepare for a more comfortable and rewarding retirement lifestyle

    Optional 20-page workbook available on retirement income strategies. This full-color resource contains essential information, exercises, and questions that will help you assess your current situation and make sound financial decisions. Perhaps best of all, you will be eligible for the complimentary consultation offered to all workshop participants.

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