Stress Mastery: From Feeling Stuck to Feeling Free

This interactive talk is offered in a workshop format where the participants learn specific strategies for presence, mindfulness and stress resilience so they can get out of resistance of that push-pull energy that keeps them stuck, distracted, procrastinating and uninspired and create the life that they desire.

This program teaches how to create more confidence and courage to step into new opportunities for career, relationships and health in alignment with your authentic gifts and purpose so you can feel more energized, more focused and more fulfilled in your life.

– Tips on how stay on your edge to create a successful life without wiping yourself out
– Change how you think about stress and leverage it as an opportunity to learn and grow
– Learn how you can meet stress with confidence and courage to respond to challenges successfully
– Strategies to overturn your negative inner dialogue so you can turn up the volume to hear your wise intuitive voice
– Be more present, mindful and neutral so you can creatively respond to your stress and stay out of emotional reactivity and energy loss
– Be an Stress Responder and not a Stress Reactor
– The secret to prioritizing competing priorities in a 24-hour day

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