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  • Arizona Wild Territorial Days and its Economic Development through Statehood

    Albert Monreal Quihuis, Author / Historian

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Entertainment

    This is a presentation of the wild history of Arizona. Its prospecting and mining towns, saloons, gambling, brothels, lawless gunfighting days, Tombstone, the OK Corral, Pleasant Valley War, the Baron of Arizona, stagecoach robberies, cattle rustlers, military forts, and the Indian Wars. MORE >

    It is a wonder how Arizona was able to achieve statehood as the 48th State. The driving forces behind this were the 5C’s: Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus, Climate, and the Roosevelt Dam which created large-scale irrigation and hydroelectric power. Are the 5C’s still important today, or were they cut off at the pass and are there new 5C’s in town?
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  • Ancient Wisdom, Modern Joy: Mindfulness, Meditation, and More

    J. A. Plosker, Author, Host, and Consultant, Nobody Press, LLC and J. A. Plosker, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    This program will explore the world’s religious and spiritual wisdom and help attendees discover tools to help develop powerful new avenues to mindful living and increased happiness and awareness – regardless of belief. What we do every day out of a sense of kindness or responsibility are the very things the ancients suggest can improve our lives. Knowledge and curiosity about religious and spiritual wisdom not only helps us grow, but builds a respect for diversity that can extend bridges of understanding that can benefit clients, communities, and countries. MORE >

    Attendees will learn about the importance of mindfulness and increased awareness in everyday life. The program will also examine religion and spirituality and encourage attendees to define and discuss them. The program will examine the role of ancient wisdom in everyday life, and discuss how it can benefit our lives, our clients, and our practice.
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  • An Employee Handbook: Do We Really Need One?

    Lorie A. Birk, Esq, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Principal Consultant, HR Law Works, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Many organizations struggle with keeping employee handbooks up to date and wonder at times do they really need one. During this session, we will discuss the pro’s and con’s of having an employee handbook. In addition, we will go over what policies every organization should have. Finally, we will go over some traps for the unwary. Participants will leave with best practices they can implement in their organizations. MORE >

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  • All Heart – If size mattered, Elephants would be King of the Jungle

    Darrin Schenck, Inspirational Speaker, DarrinChatter, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    In this talk I share several experiences around my Pro Racquetball career and the training with pro and Olympic athletes and how these experiences directly translated to my sales career. MORE >

    One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that those who continue to fight always have a chance at success. I believe my story of perseverance will be found inspiring by people from all walks of life.
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  • Adopt the 5 Step Profit Formula

    Loretta Love Huff, The Dream Leader for Business™, Emerald Harvest Consuling LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    Join Loretta Love Huff, The Dream Leader for Business™ and creator of the Bamboo Approach to Courageous Leadership and Outrageous Growth™ so you can uncover the key strategies you need to grow your business or enhance your career. MORE >

    - The 3 critical components of personal success
    - 4 steps to exceeding your dreams
    - 5 traps in the gap between success and failure
    - 3 factors that make your business flourish
    - How to earn more money with The 5 Step Profit Formula
    - And way more!

    Learn what it takes to build your bank account while maintaining your sanity and serving your tribe!

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  • 8 Keys to Maximizing Your Retirement

    Calvin Goetz, Founder & President, Strategy Financial Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    Founder of Strategy Financial Group, Calvin Goetz, boils down the 8 key points to maximizing your retirement. Key Points include: MORE >

    - Coordinate Social Security benefits to match your retirement timetable
    - Maximize tax efficiencies to keep more of your money working for you
    - Secure basic life expenses with guaranteed* income you can never outlive
    - Invest to protect yourself in any economic condition
    - Plan for the increases in health and medical costs likely to occur during your retirement
    - Determine how to take money from your assets over time
    - Protect and plan appropriately for family and legacy objectives
    - Get financially organized and create a plan of action!
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  • 7 ways to improve your life, RIGHT NOW

    Mark Reinoso, Managing Partner / Owner, Desert State Fire, PM Contracting Team, Irvington House

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    How many times have you felt that you just wanted to get away from it all? Quit your job, quit your life, and move to the beach? Move to Italy? We see it regularly on social media.... MORE >

    The frustrations and the monotony of life in this system create a longing for a more meaningful existence....a more connected, important, purposeful existence. I think that describes the human condition in many ways, its why humans have always conquered, migrated....manifest destiny!

    Do you feel stuck in a mediocre life? Do you feel like all you do is commute to work and do things you have to do, just to keep the lights on? The good news is that you can gain meaning, or more meaning in your life with just a few simple, but deliberate actions. You dont have to chuck it all and buy a villa in Italy....

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  • 65 to 0 – Surviving a Head on Collision with a Wrong Way Drunk Driver

    Darrin Schenck, Inspirational Speaker, DarrinChatter, LLC

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    I am very fortunate to still be here on Earth, as statically I beat the odds. Every 52 minutes someone in the US dies in a drunk driver crash, and yet I walked away from this high speed crash physically unharmed. However, the mental and emotional toll from this crash left me reeling for a time. MORE >

    I learned to face this adversity by becoming a volunteer speaker for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, sharing the harrowing experience with audiences of MADD. I had found this to be very therapeutic, and I am working hard to help others do the same with their own version of adversity.
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  • 65 is the New 45 – How to Stay Healthy and Active for the Rest of Your Life

    Robert Kelly, CEO and Owner, Results Only Fitness

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Working out and eating healthy can be a challenge for everybody. As we age, staying active can be even tougher. Most gym routines are meant for 25 to 30 year old adults who can bend, twist and press any way they want. And when you look up Senior Fitness all you get are programs that have you sit in a chair and lift 3 lb weights. MORE >

    Somewhere in between are the millions of 40, 50 and 60 year old people who want to start a routine after a long layoff or keep training without feeling beat up after every workout. In this seminar learn everything you need to know to begin or maintain a healthy lifestyle during those years when you may feel the fitness industry is just not meeting your needs.
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  • 5 Voices: How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead

    Debbie Correa, Senior Associate, GiANT WORLDWIDE

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    5 Voices is the code for unlocking your capacity to have honest conversations and build deeper, more authentic relationships with your teams, your families and your friends. In order to lead others effectively, we need a true understanding of ourselves, our natural tendencies and patterns of behavior. MORE >

    In learning what your leadership voice sounds like to others, you will discover what it feels like to be on the other side of your personality, as well as how to hear and value others' voices, namely the Pioneer, the Connector, the Creative, the Guardian, and the Nurturer. Once you understand your own leadership voice, you'll discover how best to communicate with each of the other voices, which will transform your communication at every level of relationship, both personal and professional.

    In mastering the 5 Voices of leadership, you will increase your emotional intelligence, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage as a leader. You will also be equipped with a simple, easy to remember vocabulary that, when shared, has a track record for decreasing the drama, misunderstanding and miscommunication in all spheres of influence.

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