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Wage and Hour Compliance Challenges
Lorie A. Birk, Esq, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Principal Consultant, HR Law Works, LLC
There have been a lot of challenges for employers in the last year with respect to wage and hour. There were the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) salary exemption updates that were put on hold and a higher minimum wage in Arizona. With all of this, organizations cannot forget to review their wage and hour practices to ensure compliance. MORE >
Is your organization including the appropriate compensation in overtime calculations? Are positions appropriately classified as FLSA exempt? This session will review some of the top compliance issues where organizations misstep and provide some tips for compliance.This program can also be tailored for state law compliance such as California.
Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win
Edward Givens, Insurance Agent, HealthMarkets
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
The healthcare system in America is a confusing process to navigate. This session will help you better understand how the system works. You will walk away with key strategies that will help you get the most out of your healthcare dollars. We will also discuss strategies and resources that will help you negotiate effectively with the health care providers if you feel you are being charged too much for the care you received. MORE >
This session is a short course on the strategies described in the best-selling book by Marshall Allen "Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win" -
Busy? but not productive
Jeremy Macliver, Certified EOS Implementer, Guaranteed Traction
It is scary to think how many times I've gone home exhausted because I worked hard, but I wasn't sure what all I got done. Many business leaders and their team members are busy being busy. The intentions are good, the effort is real, but the results just don't add up. In this talk, we will share how we use a simple vision plan to slice through all of the chaos, determine what is important, and create actionable results. These skills work for the leaders and the team members that report to them. An aligned and focused organization increases momentum and reaps rewards that other teams only dream of. As Patrick Lenchioni says " If you could get all of the people in an organization rowing the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, at any time" Where do you want to take your team. Book this workshop to learn how to get your team rowing in sync toward the same goals! MORE >
8 Keys to Maximizing Your Retirement
Calvin Goetz, Founder & President, Strategy Financial Group
Founder of Strategy Financial Group, Calvin Goetz, boils down the 8 key points to maximizing your retirement. Key Points include: MORE >
- Coordinate Social Security benefits to match your retirement timetable
- Maximize tax efficiencies to keep more of your money working for you
- Secure basic life expenses with guaranteed* income you can never outlive
- Invest to protect yourself in any economic condition
- Plan for the increases in health and medical costs likely to occur during your retirement
- Determine how to take money from your assets over time
- Protect and plan appropriately for family and legacy objectives
- Get financially organized and create a plan of action! -
Did You SEE What That Person SAID? – Why Your Body Language is Important
Barbara Chatzkel, Coach and Author, The Body Language Pro
You only have one chance to make a first impression. Decisions about doing business with you, becoming your friend or trusting you are made in less than one second based on first impressions. Much of your day is spent giving and receiving information. But what First Impression and Ongoing Impression are you giving? MORE >
Business Body Language, nonverbal communication that transmits information, is comprised of 5 "broadcast centers."The interactive presentation workshop includes lecture, individual practice, small group work, and real life examples.
Leave the session with mastery of 9 new business body language skills.
The workshop agenda includes:
- The Power of First Impressions
- The Five Broadcast Centers of the Body
- Understanding the importance and key elements of each Broadcast Center
- Interpreting the body language that you are seeing in another person
- Sending the body language messages that you want to broadcast
- Making sure your interpretation of a body language message is the right one
- Mastering 9 Business Body Language skills to use today -
Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Tools to Help Kids
Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Doctor of Chiropractic, Create Health PLLC
TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness
The rate of autism spectrum disorder is growing at an alarming rate. It was 1 in 10,000 in the 1950s and is now greater than 1 in 50. What is causing this surge in cases? Is it simply better diagnosis or is there more at play? What works to actually support these kids in getting better? In this 30-45 minute talk Dr. Ben shares his stories of working with kids with autism along with practical tools parents can implement immediately to see shifts in their kids function and behavior. MORE >
Wealth Beyond Taxes – Learn what the banks and wealthy doing to create future wealth
Monica Felton, MBA, CFP, President, The Elliott Group
Learn how professionals can use the tax code to their advantage to generate more wealth and future income. Learn ways to recapture and recycle your wealth without taking any more risk, without saving any more money, paying less in taxes, and leaving a legacy.
The Four Decisions Companies Must Get Right to Scale Up
Corwin Smith, Entrepreneur / Scaling Up Coach, Transcend Growth Parnters
Learn the four decisions companies must get right - People, Strategy, Execution & Cash. CEO's and business leaders will walk away with tools for strategic planning along with making sure that they Scale Up effectively.
People - Getting the right people in the right seats doing the right things MORE >
Strategy - A truly differentiated strategy that is simple.Execution - Processes running flawlessly and without drama
Cash - Cash is like oxygen for a growth company, run out and risk death!
Effective Mentorship affects everyones bottom line!
Neftali Cano,
TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational
My focus is about fostering the importance of Mentorship. Not just for teenagers and young adults, but for all of us. Mentorship is about helping one another from the classroom to the office. The days of Me, Myself and I need to give way to Us, We and Together. MORE >
Mentoring doesn't just benefit teenagers and young adults... Businesses and Government Agencies can also benefit from following the principles of fostering effective mentorship in the work place. Reducing dropout rates within secondary education and college will always be important, but creating a more effective work place and reducing employee turnover rates is equally importantMentorship affects everyone's bottom line!
The Millennial Magnet | Creating a High Performing Organization with the Millennial Workforce
Jeremy Macliver, Certified EOS Implementer, Guaranteed Traction
The impact these 76 million people born between 1980 – 2002 will have on the workforce is well-documented. Stereotypes aside, their numbers, creativity, passion and knack for technology make them a critical asset to any organization. However, they do think differently than Baby-Boomer owners and many Gen-X leaders and managers. MORE >
Jeremy, who was born on the dividing line between Millennials and Gen-X, will show companies how to cross the bridge into the Millennial Workforce Era. Learn what a millennial is looking for in a company and how it can positively effect your organization. Take the next step in preserving the heritage of your company, and transfer it to the next generation successfully!