Mindfulness: Harnessing the Extraordinary Power in Everyday Life

Are ordinary events our most extraordinary opportunities for personal and spiritual growth? J. A. describes how a seemingly impossible experience took him out of a life of anxiety and depression and inspired him to spread a message of unlimited possibility. He’s now on a mission to empower people to be more mindful of life and to see their days in a whole new light. Hear how you can invigorate your journey of personal and spiritual growth right here, right now – right in your everyday life!

You will be inspired to consider how events in your everyday life can be powerful opportunities for growth!

Many people believe they don’t know enough about spiritual practices or don’t have enough time for personal or spiritual growth. It’s all for later or someday. J. A.’s answer is clear: The life you have right now is your greatest opportunity for growth. The answers to the “not enough” problem are not on a distant mountaintop or in a deep, dark cave. They are right here, right now!

After this presentation you will understand the role ordinary life events play in spiritual and personal growth. J. A. will also share a simple process to increase mindfulness in daily life.

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