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Online Password Security: Don’t Get Pwned (Owned)
Andy Richardson, Vice President, Ginny Richardson Public Relations
Online password security is one of the more important forms of safety these days. Learn why this is important and how to protect yourself. If you’ve ever used the password: 1234, abcd, or if God forbid, you use the same password for many websites, this eye-opening presentation is a must for your group. Andy has a fun, upbeat style that will engage audiences of all ages, and everyone will learn something new. MORE >
Tips for a Smooth Transition: Downsizing and Moving
Mai Thompson, Owner, Smooth Transitions Phoenix East Valley
Selecting a new place to move, sorting through a lifetime of treasures, deciding what to take, what furniture will fit, finding a mover, packing, moving, unpacking, setting up the new home, getting rid of leftovers…this can all be overwhelming. MORE >
Smooth Transitions provides individuals and their families with the emotional and physical assistance needed in making a change in living arrangements. Whether you are downsizing a residence or moving to a senior retirement community this would help helpful. Learn 3 tips we use to help our families make this a Smooth Transition. I will cover:Where Do I Start?
What Do I Do With All My Stuff?
Cost Moving Mistakes to Avoid -
Organizing to Create a Joyous Home
Selina Schuh, Home Organizer, Speaker, Author, Empowered Living Strategies
In this presentation you will learn how the KonMari™ method of tidying (based on the teachings of the Japanese tidying sensation Marie Kondo) can create peace and joy in your home. MORE >
Most people clean up their homes over and over, yet the clutter never quite disappears. Learn how you can let go of clutter once and for all, and transform your home into the oasis of peace and tranquility you have been yearning for.You will discover:
- Why a vision for your future is paramount before you start tidying
- What the secrets are to transformative decluttering (they are simpler than you think!)
- And why joy should be your North Star when decluttering
What it means to me to be an immigrant and live in America
Patrick J Connell, Senior Instructor CERT/First Responder Academy, Marine Corps League
My outlook on the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, etc.
MVD Is Serving You Better
Doug Nick, Asst. Communications Director for Customer Outreach, Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (ADOT)
At the Arizona MVD, our vision is “To get you out of line and safely on the road” and I think we’re doing some interesting things to reach that goal. MORE >
Since everyone has to use MVD at one time or another, I’ve found that we get a pretty healthy discussion when we share some time with groups like yours. I have a general-interest presentation as well as one more focused on business practices that may be of more interest to Chambers of Commerce.I’d love to drop by your group and share my presentaion and I’m always happy to take questions.