Free Climate Topics in Phoenix
Climate topics in Phoenix are available through Climate change in the Valley is important. We have assembled speakers to present on various climate topics that affect residents of Phoenix and the surrounding areas of Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Tempe, Glendale, and Gilbert.
How do I request a climate presentation for my group?
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3: Browse for one of our climate topics below, Click the orange request button, Fill out and submit the contact form.
Next the climate speaker will contact you in the next few days to coordinate details.
Solutions to Climate Change
Gretchen Reinhardt, En-ROADS Climate Ambassador and Volunteer, Citizens' Climate Lobby
Engage your audience with a real-time policy simulator. This is a fun way to learn more about climate change issues, solutions, and the relative effectiveness of policy solutions. Can the audience solve the climate problem (stay below 1.5°C)? The audience chooses the levers they think will have the biggest impact and as a group we see what happens. The tool simulates their proposed solution(s) instantly in “real-time”. MORE >
Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan have worked together to build a worldwide, science-based climate simulator. The audience is engaged to offer suggested solutions to slow climate change. This stimulates discussions as to why actions may or may not be as effective as expected. We’ll also share bipartisan actions that the US Congress is considering and evaluate what impact those actions are likely to have on climate change. Participants leave the discussion with new insights into policy approaches. -
Decarbonize Energy by Bringing Local Choice to Arizona Cities & Counties
Shelly Gordon, State Director, Arizonans for Community Choice
Have you ever asked yourself why you have no choice in how the energy you pay for is generated? On a hot summer day in Phoenix, do you think about electricity racing through wires to cool your home? Have you ever wondered why you don’t have any choice about where, or how, the energy you pay for is generated... and why climate change persists? MORE >
Learn more about how vertically integrated monopoly utilities operate in Arizona, contrasted with a new energy equity model called Community Choice Energy that gives local customers choice over their energy mix, and increases renewable energy, lowers carbon emissions, and lowers rates, but without changing the way that energy is delivered to their homes or businesses. -
Guerrilla decarbonization: Tactics for decarbonizing your life without help or permission
Heather Jackson, President, Interlock Energy
In this talk, we will discuss meaningful ways in which individuals can reduce their carbon footprint and force their electric company to do the same. Because the amount of renewable energy that is available on the power grid fluctuates over time, we have the option to run our household appliances and climate control our homes preferentially when most of the power on the grid is carbon-free. MORE >
We will discuss ways to know when clean energy is most available, and ways to avoid using energy when it is the most expensive and least clean. At the end of the discussion, individuals will be empowered to save money on electricity while reducing carbon emissions in their local area. -
Interfaith collaboration for environmental protection
Vasu Bandhu, Faith Community Coordinator, Arizona Faith Network
The various religions collaborating together to protect the environment, through respect, understanding and education, in the religious diversity, to be an important ally of partnership with other sectors of society. Religions are constituted by principles that have existed for thousands of years in which they aim to promote harmony with others and with the environment in which we live. MORE >
The role of religious diversity for environmental justice
Vasu Bandhu, Faith Community Coordinator, Arizona Faith Network
Religious diversity has an important role in society as promoters of values and principles for peace and justice.
Repowering fossil plants to affordably decarbonize energy
Heather Jackson, President, Interlock Energy
Heather will introduce a suite of technologies that make it possible to affordably decarbonize existing fossil fueled power plants. She will discuss factors that influence the affordability of this option, and factors that make this approach a potentially much faster way to decarbonize our energy system.
Faithfully Cherishing Creation
Gretchen Reinhardt, En-ROADS Climate Ambassador and Volunteer, Citizens' Climate Lobby
Ground your exploration of climate action within your specific faith tradition, or learn about interfaith approaches to faithfully cherishing creation. This presentation will be created to meet the identified objectives of the faith or interfaith community providing the invitation. MORE >
Climate is a topic that can touch all areas of our lives, from the most personal and daily decisions about having and raising a family to global water, immigration or energy policy. How do we settle into the wisdom of our own faith tradition and allow it to assist us in solving global challenges with love and power, day in and day out, year in and year out?This program is more about creating a shared journey into a faith community’s awareness of what cherishing creation means today than a presentation of information.