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  • Getting Publicity – Easier Than You Think

    Andy Richardson, Vice President, Ginny Richardson Public Relations

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Business

    The popular publicity seminar presented to dozens of groups through Free Speakers Chicago is now available in Phoenix. Andy explains the ins and outs of how to receive free attention from newspapers, TV, radio and magazines. Audiences will learn how to capitalize on the often misunderstood marketing tool of media relations. Learn the difference between earned media and paid advertising and why publicity is so much more valuable. MORE >

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  • What is Happiness / Success?

    Mark Reinoso, Managing Partner / Owner, Desert State Fire, PM Contracting Team, Irvington House

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Motivational

    "I want to be rich" "I want to be famous" "I dont want to work" "I want good food" "I want to travel." "I want kids, or more kids". "I want someone to share my life with"...the list goes on and on. Those are all admirable goals, but that's not what makes us happy. Happiness is more than a great bottle of wine, a fat bank account, or an exotic place. MORE >

    We come from all walks of life, have vastly different figures in our bank accounts, we come from different countries...we couldn't be more different! But yet, almost all of us would consider ourselves happy. Even people in war torn countries consider themselves happy.

    Enjoyment is temporary, and so is discomfort. You can enjoy a great meal, or a ride on a scooter, a trip to a foreign land... Happiness isnt excitement, or enjoyment. Just because you really enjoyed that roller coaster of that glass of whiskey, doesn't mean you are happy. And Just because you aren't enjoying yourself in that particular moment, doesn't mean you are unhappy.Just because you dont enjoy your visit to the proctologist or gynecologist, doesn't mean you aren't happy.

    Happiness is a deep abiding feeling...its visceral.Its a deep abiding feeling that you have. Its knowing that you are living your best life you can with the circumstances you have. It's knowing that you are cultivating the best relationships you can, that you are wanted and needed by the people you love.

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  • Veteran Resources

    Jaime Martinez, Executive Director, Mesa Veterans Resource Center

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Educational

    How to get struggling veterans to the help they need so that they can assimilate to civilian society. Jaime takes the audience through his real world experience, struggles, and ultimate success as a road map.

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  • Online Password Security: Don’t Get Pwned (Owned)

    Andy Richardson, Vice President, Ginny Richardson Public Relations

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Miscellaneous

    Online password security is one of the more important forms of safety these days. Learn why this is important and how to protect yourself. If you’ve ever used the password: 1234, abcd, or if God forbid, you use the same password for many websites, this eye-opening presentation is a must for your group. Andy has a fun, upbeat style that will engage audiences of all ages, and everyone will learn something new. MORE >

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  • Exercise is Not Enough

    Ryan Booher, Community & Physician Relations, Vitality SarcoHealth

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Health & Fitness

    Most people know exercise is good, but exercise is not an activity... and not all activities are equal, when it comes to health benefits... and walking is not enough. Ryan will discuss the common misconceptions with exercise and aging, and unpack the science and research around which activates will actually help you maintain or get back the lifestyle you always wanted. The good news is you can Choose how You Age! MORE >

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  • The True Cost of College and How to Make College More Affordable

    Monica Felton, MBA, CFP, President, The Elliott Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    It’s never too early to start thinking about college financial planning. As our kids go back to school, they are one step closer to this exciting and very expensive event! Whether you’re kids are a year away from college or 17, the time is now to understanding the true cost of college and how to make college more affordable. MORE >

    Monica Felton MBA, CFP is the college financial planning expert and has been coaching families for 15 years on how to save and pay for college and not sacrifice their retirement.

    She helps parents understand the expense of college. Today a four-year, in state, public University expense is $135,000. The total cost to a parent can be upwards of $500,000. Helping parents understand that college is really a retirement problem is paramount to financial success.

    By using an alternative strategy,the Wealth Builder Strategy, to save and pay this enormous expense, families will have significantly more wealth and benefits in their retirement. You can pay for college while contributing to your financial future.

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  • Estate Planning Basics: Have You Created an Estate Plan For Your Family?

    Katrina C. Lessard, CFP®, AEP®, Founder & CEO , Lessard Wealth Management

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    An estate plan is a map of how you want your personal and financial affairs to be handled in the future. An effective estate plan can help ensure that your family's financial needs will be taken care of, and that your personal wishes will be carried out in the manner you intended. It's a critical part of your overall financial plan. MORE >

    In this seminar on Estate Planning Basics, you'll learn:
    * Why you need an estate plan
    * Strategies to plan for incapacity, including special health care directives
    * Wills, trusts, and life insurance
    * Key tax basics, including an overview of the federal gift tax, estate tax, and generation-skipping transfer tax

    You will also receive a free electronic workbook created just for this presentation. The workbook contains key information, worksheets, and questions to help you remember important points from the seminar.

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  • The Subtle Art of Effective Listening

    Jeff Young, Senior Wealth Manager, Kierland Financial Group

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Self Improvement

    Of all the communication skills, that of listening is the most misunderstood, the least employed and yet the most important of effective interaction between human beings. Whether you are in sales or management, your ability to be a good listener is crucial to your success in your professional endeavors. MORE >

    As a successful investor for his clients, Jeff has spent a career understanding what it is people want and need from their lifetime of efforts. And to do that, he had to become an effective and efficient listener. In this session, Jeff will share with you how to set the stage, how to be an "active" listener and what listening techniques can propel you to the next level of your personal success ladder.
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  • Women & Money: Six Steps to Financial Security

    Katrina C. Lessard, CFP®, AEP®, Founder & CEO , Lessard Wealth Management

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    Today, more women than ever are responsible for their financial well-being, and the well-being of their families. But women often face unique financial challenges. That's why it's so important that no matter what life stage they're in, women know how to save, invest, and plan for their future. MORE >

    In this seminar on Women and Money, you'll learn:
    * The unique financial challenges women face, such as longer life expectancies and more career breaks for caregiving, and how they impact long-term financial security
    * Six steps women can take to help them achieve financial security, including taking control of their money, becoming more knowledgeable investors, advocating for themselves in the workplace, planning for retirement, protecting their income and assets, and creating an estate plan

    You'll also receive a free electronic workbook created just for this presentation. The workbook contains key information, worksheets, and questions to help you remember important points from the seminar.

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  • Using Home Equity for a Better (and Smarter) Retirement – Reverse Mortgages

    Bill Cave, Reverse Mortgage Advisor, Mutual of Omaha - Reverse Mortgage

    TOPIC CATEGORY: Financial

    This is an A-to-Z informational class covering the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (FHA - HECM) in an educational, straight-forward manner. Bill covers recent changes in the program that helped make the reverse mortgage loan program a smart and safe option for retiree's and seniors. This seminar also provides a road map on how to navigate the process and make good decisions based on individual goals such as: increasing cashflow, preserving net worth and assets, advanced tax planning and long-term care strategies, as it relates to home equity. MORE >

    This is NOT a pressure sales or marketing seminar.
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