Free Self Improvement Topics in Phoenix

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  • Networking for Love or Money

    Joan Betsy Kurasch, Founder, The Silver Compass

    The techniques are the same for meeting the love of your life or the important business contact. In this presentation the correct handshake, ice-breaker, and how to enter an existing group will be addressed. Created for both the extrovert who needs to tone down his/her approach or the introvert who just wants to hide in the corner, this program will give "specific" tips that can be used immediately. MORE >

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  • Bringing Joy Back into Your Life

    Selina Schuh, Home Organizer, Speaker, Author, Empowered Living Strategies

    Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? Can’t remember the last time you had fun? Join us to learn how to rejuvenate and experience joy.

    By attending this workshop, you will discover: MORE >

    • Why we don’t make ourselves a priority
    • Why (contrary to popular belief) selfishness is a good thing
    • What the simple (yet not always easy!) steps are to turn things around

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  • Princples of Prosperity

    Jim Wilkerson, Founder, The Winners Mindset

    I teach a comprenehsnive course focusing on the material developed by Napoleon Hill in his book
    "Think and Grow Rich" known all over the world. MORE >

    This book has been the cornerstone philosophy for hundreds of thousands of some of the most successful people in over the world like Bob Proctor famous for his role in the movie "The Secret" and many other famous leaders like Tony Robbins, Sharon Lechter, Jack Canfield, Barbara Corchoran, Alex Hormuzi, Les Brown and dozens of other well known leaders in the personal development field.

    I have been trained and certified by the Napoleon Hill foundation as a trained instructor to teach the 17 principles of success in detail and am prepared to deliver the information so that anyone can understand and utilize the ideas presented.

    Included are workbooks, white papers and proprietary videos of Bob Proctor speaking on each chapter of the book. In addition, every participant will receive a link to watch the highly acclaimed, newly released movie, " Think and Grow Rich-Living the Legacy"

    This can be delivered to your group or organization either in person or online in a condensed 45 minute presentation or delivered bi-weekly for six months.

    I look forward to speaking to your group and guarantee that your group will not be disappointed!!

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  • 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time

    Debbie Correa, Senior Associate, GiANT WORLDWIDE

    5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There Is Never Enough Time teaches you to shift into the right gear at the right time so that you can grow in your relational intelligence and increase your influence. You will learn the the five different gears, or mindsets that carry you through various facets of your day.
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  • The D-I-M-E-S Theory or “How to Get What You Really Want”

    Wes Waddle, President, Arizona Seminars, L.L.C.

    The elements to a successful or happy life are simple. Your life can start to change today. Do you know what you want? Start with the end in mind. You can start today by reallocating as little as twenty-five cents. A wise person once said, "One day will change your life and one day your life will change." The questions is... Is today YOUR day?
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  • Language, Sex and Power: Effective Communication Techniques for Women

    Cyd West, Executive Director, World Academy for the Future of Women

    Cyd West, a specialist in linguistics, presents ways to enhance your communication skills that are pertinent to every woman who lives and/or works with men. She covers: MORE >

    • who gets heard and why.
    • how men and women communicate and interpret each other.
    • potential language pitfalls which commonly occur in the workplace.
    • how these differences affect women in the workplace and in positions of authority.
    • what we as women can do to improve our communication effectiveness with men and in the workplace.

    As young girls we are taught to be considerate, to save face for others, to apologize, and exercise modesty. This training often runs counter to the communication skills that are expected and rewarded in the workplace. If you know women who have waited for someone to notice they’ve done a good job or whose deferential nature has kept them from advancement, you have witnessed this dichotomy in action.

    Linguistic research has unveiled a wealth of information for women working with men. Deborah Tannen, Robin Lakoff and other linguists have studied how language patterns are formed at a very young age and how they grow to differ for the sexes. These differences, hierarchical communication for men and relational communication for women, are the basis for much of the misunderstandings and lack of value of women’s contributions in the workplace. Understanding these potential pitfalls and leveraging our strengths as women in relational communication techniques can ensure our visibility, power and effectiveness in the workplace.

    • Help women and men understand the beneficial dynamics of utilizing the full spectrum of communication skills and attributes;
    • Enable women to succeed in traditionally male oriented workplaces and be perceived as strong and effective in their leadership roles.
    • Provide an understanding of communication pitfalls and opportunities by both sexes that can lead to effective leadership for both men and women.

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  • Somewhere Between Madison And Davenport

    David Shulimson

    Somehow, I keep moving forward.

    I was diagnosed with depression more than a decade ago and my condition has worsened through the years. Despite increased and stronger dosages of anti-depressants, I began having suicidal thoughts. MORE >

    I had experienced a job loss, followed by bankruptcy and foreclosure. I then went through about a year of what's called "sheltered" homelessness. I began making progress until my world seemingly fell apart again, largely of my own doing. If I were to rank all of my calamities in order of severity, being homeless (again) wouldn't have even made the top three.

    Suicide moved from my "radar" to my "itinerary." I drove westward(ish) from where I was living at the time. Somewhere between Madison, Wisconsin, and Davenport, Iowa, I made the decision to remove suicide from my itinerary.

    I wish I could conclude my introduction with "And I've lived happily ever after." However, "stuff" continued to happen in my life. And "stuff" will always happen in my life. But I'm learning how to process and respond to "stuff."

    My topic is about my journey leading up to my decision to end my life, my decision not to end my life, and my decision to live my life. My life is far from perfect, but I've learned and I continue to learn how to move forward. I wish to share my story with those who may need to learn or re-learn how to move forward.

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  • How to Quit a Job You Hate to Create a Business You Love

    Saloua Ibaline, Business Coach, S.M.A.R.T. Women Inc.

    Are you stuck in a soul sucking job and dream of creating your own business? Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset and feel suffocated at work? Do you feel like you have a bigger mission and purpose than working for someone else's dream? Then this talk is for you. MORE >

    Too many of us are afraid of getting out of our comfort zone and taking leap of faith and rather stay in a job they hate for the meaningless, steady pay check. In this talk we will uncover:

    How to transition from your job to your own business, How can you position yourself to gain clients/customers, How can you use Social media & online marketing to grow and brand yourself. We will end with Q&A and practical tools you can start today to create the future vision of your business.

    Life is too long to say stuck doing something you hate.

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