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  • Make Your Dreams Come True

    Joel Shuflin: Maxwell Leadership, Maxwell Leadership Performance Coach, Maxwell Leadership

    Your dream has power. It can inspire you. It can empower you. But will it reward you?

    Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical. Put Your Dream To the Test takes your dream from ethereal to achievable. Learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment. MORE >

    What is a Dream? It's an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions; empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A genuine dream is a picture and blueprint of a person’s Purpose and Potential.

    Drawing from the wisdom of John C. Maxwell, and his own experience in moving from day-dreaming to dare-dreaming, Joel will lead your group through the steps of taking ownership for their dreams, and help them answer:

    Is my dream really MY dream or does it belong to someone else?
    Is my dream a clear dream that makes a general idea very specific through effort, affirmation and determination?

    Joel lays out a clear step-by-step path to owning your dream, making it clear, and taking the next steps to bring it to physical reality.

    About The John Maxwell Team

    John Maxwell’s team of coaches, trainers and speakers have been trained and certified by John to help you be intentional in your life both privately and professionally—by working with purpose and having a solid plan. Being intentional is about relying on a pre-determined strategy. Our coaches, speakers and trainers are equipped with the best materials and have developed the proper skill sets to work with you one-on-one, in group settings, and through workshops and seminars to visualize, create and execute a customized leadership strategy to best fit your needs.

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