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Surviving to Thriving: How to Find Peace in a Stressed Out World
Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Doctor of Chiropractic, Create Health PLLC
Innovation and technology came with the promise of making our lives easier. But it seems as time goes on, things get more and more stressful. Life in the 21st century is very stressful for humans. Many people can find it extremely difficult to cope, and see their mental and often physical health suffer as a consequence. Many of the coping mechanisms people use are very short-term fixes that often make us worse in the long term. So how do we handle it? In this 30-45 minute talk Dr. Ben talks about how stress affects our nervous system and leaves the audience with real, practical, actionable tips that they can begin using immediately to experience more peace and well-being in both their mind and their body. MORE >
Healing from Trauma
Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Doctor of Chiropractic, Create Health PLLC
When we experience a very shocking or stressful event in our lives that is too much for our nervous system to handle at the time, the mind and body often store this away to be dealt with in the future. This is commonly known as trauma. For many people, it lingers long after the initiating event. Often times, experiences in life force us to re-experience this trauma from time to time. Treatment of this phenomenon is an emerging field. Traditional talk therapy can often address trauma at the level of the brain and the thinking mind. But for many people with trauma stored in their physical body, talking about it can sometimes make it worse. So how do we address trauma stored in the body? In this 30-45 minute presentation Dr. Ben shares his knowledge on this topic, along with real-world practical tips and tools that audience members can begin implementing immediately to see a shift. MORE >
10 Biggest Mistakes People Make Starting or Creating a Healthy Lifestyle
Robert Kelly, CEO and Owner, Results Only Fitness
Staying in shape is a challenge for most people. Starting a fitness routine or getting healthy after a long layoff is even harder. Why would anyone want to try and figure it out alone? You hire a lawyer for your legal needs and an accountant for your taxes. You would never ask your doctor how to perform surgery on yourself. That would be crazy. However, every single day people start and stop exercising with little or no guidance. MORE >
The things you remember from when you were in high school are obsolete. Every magazine says something different, and late night TV only show programs for elite fitness enthusiasts. Learn tips, tricks and techniques to ensure you succeed with your fitness and fat loss goals this time. -
Hope for Overcoming Anxiety and Addictions
Dr. Shawna Eischens, Naturopathic Physician, Hope and Healing Naturopathic
Our thoughts affect our health, behavior, and physiology. It's possible to reset our brain and balance our subconscious mind to resolve anxiety and feel more calm and confident in our own body. When we are balanced from within, we have healthier boundaries, more contentment, and the ability to overcome addictive patterns, depression, anxiety, and more.
You are worthy of healing!
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Autism Spectrum Disorder: New Tools to Help Kids
Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Doctor of Chiropractic, Create Health PLLC
The rate of autism spectrum disorder is growing at an alarming rate. It was 1 in 10,000 in the 1950s and is now greater than 1 in 50. What is causing this surge in cases? Is it simply better diagnosis or is there more at play? What works to actually support these kids in getting better? In this 30-45 minute talk Dr. Ben shares his stories of working with kids with autism along with practical tools parents can implement immediately to see shifts in their kids function and behavior. MORE >
Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win
Edward Givens, Insurance Agent, HealthMarkets
The healthcare system in America is a confusing process to navigate. This session will help you better understand how the system works. You will walk away with key strategies that will help you get the most out of your healthcare dollars. We will also discuss strategies and resources that will help you negotiate effectively with the health care providers if you feel you are being charged too much for the care you received. MORE >
This session is a short course on the strategies described in the best-selling book by Marshall Allen "Never Pay the First Bill: And Other Ways to Fight the Health Care System and Win" -
65 is the New 45 – How to Stay Healthy and Active for the Rest of Your Life
Robert Kelly, CEO and Owner, Results Only Fitness
Working out and eating healthy can be a challenge for everybody. As we age, staying active can be even tougher. Most gym routines are meant for 25 to 30 year old adults who can bend, twist and press any way they want. And when you look up Senior Fitness all you get are programs that have you sit in a chair and lift 3 lb weights. MORE >
Somewhere in between are the millions of 40, 50 and 60 year old people who want to start a routine after a long layoff or keep training without feeling beat up after every workout. In this seminar learn everything you need to know to begin or maintain a healthy lifestyle during those years when you may feel the fitness industry is just not meeting your needs.